Your partner in pursuing financial independence.

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The top 6 financial concerns of female dentists

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My Story

The old 9-5 waiting until you’re 65 to enjoy your “golden years” is not my clients’ idea of a good life.

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Who I help?

Individuals and couples who want to be smart with their money, and want professional guidance.

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Why choose a CFP® professional?

CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification is the standard of excellence in financial planning.

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Planning process

Prioritize, organize, clarify, analyze, and take action.

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Planning calendar

Prioritize, organize, clarify, analyze, and take action.

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Tess Zigo, CFP®, CPA Mentioned in the Media

You can find Tess mentioned in the following media outlets: Nerdwallet, Forbes, Money, CNBC, MarketWatch, AARP and more

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As Mentioned in the Media

Digital Economics article by Tess Zigo
4 key financial priorities for new associate dentists

By Tess Zigo: "It's hard to make sense of the financial landscape when you're just starting out and paying off loans. Hire the experts who can help you start down the right path..."

Screenshot image of Money article where Tess Zigo was mentioned
Money: The Best Money Moves for July 2021

“It’s a good time for people to sit down and reexamine their spending, which likely slowed down over the past year,” says Tess Zigo

Screenshot image of MarketWatch article where Tess Zigo was mentioned
I’m 24, live with my mom and pay rent — I think I’ll need $2 million in retirement. How do I save that much?

“Of course, no one has a crystal ball and it depends on your risk level and what the market does over the next 41 years,” said Tess Zigo

Screenshot image of AARP article where Tess Zigo was mentioned
5 Steps for Tracking Down Lost Money

You’ve worked for this money, so it’s important to locate it and keep building it, says Tess Zigo

Screenshot image of Nerdwallet article where Tess Zigo was mentioned
Nerdwallet: How Much Should I Save Each Month?

“If the goal is to retire at 40, you need to save a heck of a lot more than people who are shooting for 65 because you have 25 fewer years for that money to compound,” says Tess Zigo

Screenshot image of Forbes article where Tess Zigo was mentioned
Forbes: Startup Advice From Founding Moms

By Tess Zigo: “People regret the things they didn't do in life. If you are passionate about your business idea, start taking action steps today to move you in that direction. Having a plan...”

Screenshot image of CNBC article where Tess Zigo was mentioned
CNBC: Here’s why it’s smart to start saving for retirement when you’re in your 20s

“Most people that I sit down with always say ‘I wish I started sooner,’” said Tess Zigo

Pricing made simple.

I base pricing depending on the complexity of your situation. Initial one time enrollment fee starting at $950 applies.

Calculate your monthly fees
Marital Status
Household Income

Source of Income
Special Circumstances
Gross Estate value

Frequently asked questions.

Here are some common questions I get from new clients.

  • Am I saving enough for college or retirement?
  • How much cash must I keep around to sleep well at night AND cover emergencies?
  • What retirement account should I be utilizing? 401(k), Solo 401(k), Roth, IRA, SEP, Simple, Cash Balance Plan etc
  • Am I optimizing my money for both today and tomorrow?
  • How do I invest the excess cash I have sitting at my bank account that is not growing?
  • Do I have enough life insurance?
  • How much disability insurance do I need and what riders make sense?
  • How do I incorporate ESG/Socially Responsible Investing with my money?
  • Should I refinance my student loans?
  • How much house can I afford?
  • Which employee benefits should I utilize and why?
  • Should I pay off my student loans or prioritize forgiveness?

How do I know how complex my finances are and which tier I fall in?

Most people don't know exactly where they fit and that's okay! During our 30 minute initial call I will quote your exact fee depending on your situation and needs.

Yup! That's something I pride myself on, I have a vast network of trusted professionals when clients need something I can't directly assist with.

Absolutely! I find sometimes the biggest value add I can provide is being there when things come up in your life unexpectedly and I can help you through the challenge. No question is silly!

I pride myself on having my CFP® certification and as such, being held to a fiduciary standard. I became an advisor to help others with their money and follow the same principles when it comes to my own money.

Not everyone is the right fit for a financial planner, which is why we have the initial call to determine if our process and personalities work well together. These are some common characteristics that might mean we aren’t the best fit:

  • Want a transactional relationship and not a long term partner in planning
  • Want the cheapest possible solution
  • Need a quick fix and don’t want to commit to a process
  • Are looking for free advice

TruWealth Partners is a female owned financial planning firm in Palm Harbor, Florida and works with clients nationwide in continental United States.